Thomas Duncan Hall, Lafayette Indiana
our mission
The mission of the Thomas Duncan Hall, Inc. is to preserve and maintain Duncan Hall so that it can provide a place for cultural, educational, and celebratory events that enrich our community. It will also sponsor educational programs that enhance civility, character, and citizenship in Greater Lafayette, Indiana.
Whether you are a world class concert promoter or planning a one of a kind wedding, conference or fundraiser, Duncan Hall provides an unforgettable experience for your guests. The striking architecture and beauty of the 9 rooms and gardens is enhanced with a welcoming charm not exceeded by any other area venue.
You'll find a wide variety of room options and combinations and an experienced staff, passionate about providing successful, economical and confident planning.
Since 1931, the hall has hosted events from plays, art shows and ballroom dances to countless weddings and receptions to community forums and even a speech by JFK in 1959.
Community House Association (CHA)
Communicate, Create, and Celebrate the important occasions that punctuate and add meaning to our lives...
A century ago, a group of Lafayette women came together and found the need to form the Community House Association (CHA). They sought to improve the quality of life of other women who had been attracted to the growing city of Lafayette to seek employment and attend school.
The CHA established training programs and housing for these young ladies, as well as the first free Kindergarten in this area. In addition, many of Lafayette's important civic groups, from the YWCA to the Girl Scouts to the Civic Theater, found their first home at the Community House which was eventually established near 6th & Ferry Streets.
Sarah Ely's mother was a charter member of the CHA and Sarah later became a member herself. Sarah married her boss at Duncan Electric, Thomas Duncan, the Scottish born inventor/industrialist/philanthropist. He grew to admire the important work of the CHA.
Thomas Duncan died in 1928, leaving resources to the CHA to construct a gracious, spacious, Georgian Colonial-style building to be a meeting place for social, patriotic, charitable, educational, and cultural events. The CHA is a not-for-profit corporation comprised of a board of 20 with several advisors. This group continues to work today to enhance the quality of life in Lafayette through preserving and promoting Duncan Hall.
The recent Secret Garden renovation is the latest phase in the extensive turn of this century revitalization of Duncan Hall. The Duncan Hall Board and staff are most grateful to each of the many volunteers, who have generously donated their time and resources to preserve and beautify this historic, community treasure on Ferry Street.
Thomas Duncan's gift to Lafayette provides a unique, relaxing, beautiful and historic setting in which we all may: Communicate on matters of importance; Create and share music, art, and theater; and Celebrate the important occasions that punctuate and add meaning to our lives.

Thomas Duncan Hall Timeline
1800 - 1920
1896 – 2-4 Presbyterian church women added free kindergarten to homemaking classes at Hope Chapel located at 3rd and Fountain Streets.
1900 – Free Kindergarten & Industrial School (FKIS) incorporated, teaching classes included Mrs. C.B. (Alice Earl) Stuart as 1st President, Purdue University's Mary Matthews, Purdue University students, Thomas Duncan's future mother-in-law, and many others. Eventually, 5 kindergarten locations, Tag Days, and other fundraisers were created.
1901 – Thomas Duncan and investors established Duncan Electrical Manufacturing Company located at 3rd and Mechanic Streets.
1918 – Purchased Switzer house at 617 Ferry, as first Community House for women and girls in Lafayette, inspired by Dean Carolyn Shoemaker and the note guaranteed by Mrs. G. (Mary) Haywood.
1918 – Women's Council merged into Community House Association (CHA), Mrs. Serena Alder 1st Pres, Duncan Electrical Manufacturing Co.
1921 - 1940
1921 – Thomas Duncan married Sarah Ely (CHA member and Duncan Electric secretary) Duncan and
Wetherill embarked on an 8 month, 10,000 mile African trip.1922 – Mrs. Haywood deeded Walker House to CHA. (Switzer now Annex)
Thomas Duncan presented his African travelogue with slides at Walker House, unfortunately it was too small for his large audience.1922 – CHA & FKIS merged (Mrs. C.B. Stuart Pres.). Formal responsibility for industrial arts kindergarten given to city's public schools.
1929 – Thomas Duncan dies leaving CHA over $100.000 for a larger community meeting place.
1929 – CHA purchased 621 Ferry for expansion.
1930 - July 28- Bids received and Switzer house razed.
August l – Ground broken for Thomas Duncan Hall. September 16-Cornerstone laid (Walter Scholer. Architect).
January 20 – China, silver and glasses for 100 guests purchased.
March 17 – Daughter of Mrs. G. Haywood furnished Early American Federal Room in her honor,
April 6, 1931 – Duncan Hall officially opened with reception, Mrs. C.B. Stuart, Pres.
September, 20 – reception for viewing of Walker House remodel, Now CHA annex)
1935 – Mrs. G. Haywood purchased the South End Community Center, Deeded to CHA to assist upkeep & repair.
1940 – Some Groups that met in Switzer House, Walker House and/or Duncan Hall: DAR, WWI & WWII, sewing, relief & community workers. War Mothers, Little Theater (now Civic Theater),YWCA, Needlework Guild, Collegiate Alumnae Association, American
1941 - 1960
1950 – Many weddings, community fund-raisers and other special events e.g. piano recitals, birthday & retirement parties. Antique Shows began.
1957 – Sold Walker House to Journal & Courier to finance an east addition with air-conditioning.
1957 – South End Community Center deeded to United Way
1959 – April 7-Then Sen. John F. Kennedy visited Duncan Hall.
1958 – East addition completed (Sarah Duncan Room, kitchen & hostess apartment).
1961 - 1980
1961 – Manners and dancing classes for youth.
1963 – Swing Band, recitals other musical performances.
1965 – Rest of Thomas Duncan Hall air-conditioned, funded by Antique Shows
1979 – Annual Quilt shows began.
1981 - 2000
1984 – Groups meeting included: Lafayette Business and Professional Women (Rose Breakfast), Catholic Daughters, Lafayette Junior Women's Club, J&C Printers, Telegraphic Union, Royal Neighbors, 20° Century Club, Welcome Wagon, Duplicate Bridge, Plastic Modelers, Carpenter's Auxiliary, Delta Sigma Kappa
1995 – Duncan Hall Art Fair, started. 1996- Aura Lee Emsweller hired as the 1“ Executive Director. Friends of Bob concerts began. Tippecanoe Chamber Music Society concerts began. Greater Lafayette Community Foundation (GLCF) grant for new windows and doors.
1997 – 66th Anniversary, Janis Boes, Sarah Duncan's Great Niece attended. Great Renovation of '97. Began taping Duncan Hall Comes Alive Insight TV concert interview series,
1998 – Opening of The Secret Garden 1999-Dean's Tea, honoring Dean Carolyn Shoemaker for Inspiring Citizenship. Four successive PU female Deans attended. 2000
2000 – GLCF grant for stage lighting, sound system and storm doors.
2001 - 2019
2001 – 20th Anniversary. Celebration. Sarah Duncan Education Council (SDEC) formed, Marilynn Dammon, 1st Pres.
2001 – Manners are Fun program, for all county 15 graders began. United Way grant for Manners Are Fun Program,
2002 – JFK panel "Inspiring Citizenship", Bob Kreibel moderates. Gannett Foundation grant - Manners Are Fun Booklets
2003 – Began participation in Tippecanoe Art Federation Gallery Walk
2005 – CHA & SDEC merged to form Thomas Duncan Hall Inc. now a 501(c) 3. Gail Gettings. 1st President
Big Swing Dance fundraisers began
2006 – Lafayette Urban Enterprise grant for front marquis & lighting.GLCF grant for stage curtains and dining ballroom renovations.
2008 – Sarah's Dance fundraisers began.
Dale Bessire's 1930 *“Peaceful Valley" painting restored.
2009 – Duncan Hall Annual Photography Contest initiated.
2009 – GLCF grant for stage curtains & dining ballroom renovations.
2010 – Grants from GLCF for back steps and guard railing. Grants from Marquis Foundation and Tipmont REMC for Manners are Fun.
2011 – February – front parlor (with restrooms) renovations began.
April 16 – Anniversary celebration: Engaging and Elegant at Eighty
2012 – Grants from Subaru for Secret Garden roof' gutter repair and Tipmont REMC for Manners Are Fun National Theater of Scotland Purdue Convos 10 show presentation of The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart
2012 – Decorator: Holiday Showcase, of 4 decorated rooms, the affiliated not for profit receives use of Duncan Hall for an All Hall Event. Community invited to the Duncan Hall Holiday Manners Tea for Boys & Girls.
2013 – Grants from GLCF, NCHS and many other generous donors make possible the Boiler. HVAC system renovation
Miss and Me Girl Scouts Manners Tea
2014 – Boiler project completed Friends of Bob sponsors: Habib Koite, Fullset Lily & Madeleine, Pokey LaFarge